space Chapter 7, Monitoring
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Chapter 7


Top Using Log Files

Catapult Server can log to plain text files (ASCII files), or to a table in an ODBC-compliant database (such as Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Access). Separate logs are maintained for the Proxy and RWS services. You administer logging properties using the Logging property sheet of Internet Service Manager.

To determine the path and filename of a text file log, look in the Logging property sheet for the appropriate service. The default is to place Proxy service text file logs at C:\Winnt\System32\Proxylogs\Filename.log, and RWS service text file logs at C:\Winnt\System32\RWSlogs\Filename.log.

The file name takes the format Inyymmdd.log, where:

Catapult Server information is also logged to the Windows NT Application and System logs, which can be viewed using the Windows NT Event View application.

For more information about the Proxy and RWS service logs, see Chapter 5, "Server Configuration.” For more information about Event Viewer and the Application and System logs, see your documentation for Windows NT.

Top Using Performance Monitor Counters

Using Performance Monitor

Windows NT includes a tool called Performance Monitor, for tracking computer performance. When you monitor a system, you actually monitor the behavior of its parts. A set of counters exists for the processor, memory, cache, hard disk, processes, and other parts that produce statistical information. Certain counters are standard; others are configured or added with the installation of that software. When Catapult Server is installed on a server, Catapult Server counters are installed into Performance Monitor.

You do not need special privileges to open Performance Monitor. However, you do need to be logged on as a member of the Administrators group to use the diskperf command.

Note that activating counters can increase disk access time.

To start Performance Monitor

  1. From the desktop, click Start.

  2. Select Programs, then select the Administrative Tools program group.

  3. Click Performance Monitor.

To view counters

  1. From the File menu, click New Chart.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Add to Chart.

    The Add to Chart dialog box appears.

  3. Select an object from the Object list. For example, you might select RWS Server.

    The counters for that object appear in the Counter list.

  4. Select a counter from the Counter list.

  5. Click Add..

  6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 to add additional counters

  7. When all desired counters are added, click Done.

    The Performance Monitor window returns. Information from the selected counters is displayed.

For more information about using Performance Monitor, see its online Help. Also see your documentation for Windows NT.

The diskperf command turns the counters for disk activity on and off. Diskperf works for a local or a remote computer. After restarting the computer, you can use Performance Monitor to view disk performance data.

To activate the physical and logical disk counters

  1. Log on as a member of the Administrators group.
  2. At the command prompt, type diskperf to view Help information on how to turn diskperf on and off and how to specify a remote computer’s name.
  3. Follow the instructions to turn diskperf on or off.
  4. To activate the disk performance counters, reboot the server.

Catapult Server Counters

About the Catapult Server Objects

When Catapult Server is installed, the RWS Server, RWS Server, and RWS Server objects are installed into Performance Monitor. These Performance Monitor objects contain the Catapult Server counters that can be monitored. Statistics from each Catapult Server counter can be displayed in the Performance Monitor window.

Internet Proxy Cache Counters

The counters in the Internet Access Cache object provide statistics about the Proxy service cache. The following list describes those counters.

Internet Proxy Service Counters

The counters in the Internet Access Server object provide statistics about the Proxy service. The following list describes those counters.

RWS Server Counters

The counters in the RWS Server object provide statistics about the RWS service. The following list describes those counters.

Top Using SNMP MIBs

If you monitor your network using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) software, you can use the SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) file provided with Catapult Server. The MIB file can be used by third-party SNMP monitors to enable SNMP monitoring of the Catapult Server Proxy service.

The Catapult Server MIB file is Proxy.mib.

To use the Proxy.mib file with the Windows NT SNMP service, you must first compile it using the MIB compiler that comes with your SNMP software. You must also start the Proxy service before configuring and starting the SNMP service on your Catapult Server computer. Once the SNMP service has been started on both the remote and local computers, you can use SNMP tools to monitor the service.

Note  Using SNMP on a gateway that is not secure can expose network routing information to unauthorized users.

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